Embarking on your journey to become a mobile hunter can be very daunting and confusing. With the vast amount of information on what to buy and how to hunt the big woods on public land, we aim to make to make it as simple as possible and what gear to buy.
Here is a quick list of what we will talk about:
What is mobile hunting
What the two main mobile hunting setups are
Why we choose to saddle hunt
What mobile hunting setup is perfect to get started
Table of Content
What Is Mobile Hunting?
Most Versatile Mobile Hunting Setups
Hunting Saddle
- Lightweight
- Safest way to get into a tree
- Can shoot in any direction
Hunting saddles are one of the most versatile mobile hunting setups there is. With its streamlined packability, being extremely lightweight, and being attached to the tree at all times, it is considered the king by many for mobile hunting setups.
Also to include, you can wear a hunting saddle into and out of the woods and not worry about hauling extra gear on your back. Here a few more additional benefits of this mobile hunting setup.
- An entire saddle system weighs roughly 12 pounds or less
- Very comfortable
- Virtually no metal other than the waist buckle and leg straps

- Lightweight: Majority of all saddle hunting setups will be no more than 10-12 pounds.
- Safest option: You are connected to the tree 100% of the time.
- Versatility: Can be used with any stand or climber or by itself.
- Learning Curve: Some may find it challenging to get over the initial learning curve and the natural fear of being in a tree with a saddle.
- Price Point: Some may find the pricing to be expensive.
Must Have Products for a Mobile Hunting Setup
- Bigger platform to stand and move
- Ole Reliable, everyone knows how to hunt from a stand
- Can sit-down comfortably
Treestands are also a very dependable mobile hunting setup. With its tried-and-true reputation, you just can't go wrong. With the innovation over the years, lightweight stands have made a huge impact on the mobile hunting community making it easier to hunt with on public land. Here are a few more benefits for this type of mobile hunting set up.
- can use two attachment points on a stand so it will not budge
- can sit and stand with no worry to stretch or relax your legs

- Stability: You have a much bigger platform with a seat to work with.
- Familiarity: You don't have to learn much if you always hunted from a stand.
- Meat Shelf: Some treestand companies like LWCG have incorporated meat shelves to carry deer out with their stand.
- Weight: Depending on how you hunt, a tree stand mobile hunting setup can be significantly heavier than a saddle hunting setup.
- Price Point: Can be just as expensive as getting into saddle hunting.
What Mobile Hunting Setup is Best for You?

Depending on what you are looking for, both are great options for a mobile hunting setup. Let's breakdown what you should get.
The Saddle Option
If you are wanting to get into the saddle hunting world, here are a few things to consider.
- Are you willing to learn and take the time to be safe
- Are you able to get out of your comfort zone
- Are you wanting to be extremely mobile

If you are wanting to get into saddle hunting, there is a learning curve you will have to get through if you want to be efficient with this mobile hunting setup. Once you catch on, it becomes second nature, and you may find it to be a better experience than a treestand.
Also, getting out of your comfort zone is pretty big when it comes to saddle hunting. When you climb a tree with a saddle on for the first time, it feels really weird and sometimes sketchy. It's a natural thing, especially when you are sitting in a saddle 20 feet up in a tree. Overtime you will become more comfortable with the gear you have, and it turns into an amazing asset in your tool bag when it comes to hunting whitetail.
Saddle hunting also comes with extreme mobility. You get to literally bounce around quickly to different areas during a hunt. There have been times where I was sitting in a certain spot during a hunt, wasn't feeling it or the wind switched, I pack up within 10 minutes and moved locations depending on the situation. One hunt, I bounced around 3 times within 1 hour and was able to harvest a buck 30 minutes after getting setup.
In my opinion, this is by far the best option when it comes to hunting public land. If you don't have your own private land, saddle hunting is absolutely amazing when it comes to being lightweight and efficient on land you don't have the ability to hang stands. You get to pack up your stuff quickly after a hunt, don't have to worry about leaving gear behind, you don't have a stand on your back when walking into the woods, and everything packs up nicely once you have your own routine down.
The Stand Option
If you are wanting to get into mobile stand hunting, here are few things to consider.
- Are you comfortable hauling around a little extra weight
- Are you comfortable hanging stands
- Can you become efficient enough to set up the stand quickly

This mobile hunting setup has been around for decades. It has been proven to be one of the most efficient ways to hunt for a very long time. Everyone that hunts, has more than likely hunted from a stand at least once. But like anything else, there will be a learning curve if you want to be mobile with a stand.
While stands have come a long way with innovation, they still can be bulky, cumbersome, and heavier than the saddle mobile hunting setup. If you are willing to make a mobile stand hunting work, just keep that in mind.
Treestand hunting have a few drawbacks compared to saddle hunting such as weight and mobility, but you can be just as mobile as a saddle. In fact, there are a few advantages over the saddle.
Comfortability and familiarity are the biggest advantages. You can beat sitting down on a nice, padded seat and being able to stand up to stretch your legs. But again, you can't shoot 360 around a tree like a saddle.
Ultimately, it is up to you what you want to do. Just keep the pros and cons in your mind before deciding on the mobile hunting setup that is best for you.
Pros and Cons to Saddle Hunting and Treestand Hunting
Saddles offer lightweight and more mobility
Treestands offer comfortability and familiarity
Frequently Asked Questions
Treestand or Saddle?
Saddle for being lightweight and Mobility. Treestand for long sit comfort and if don't want to spend a lot of time learning something new.
Can you be mobile with a treestnad
Absolutely, if you get the right gear like LWCG or XOP.
Can I incorporate a Saddle while hunt with a Treestand?
Definitely! Thats called Hybrid Hunting, the best of both worlds.