American Made Mobile Hunting Gear
If you care about change and your country, then read the whole article. If not, click off and skip this.
We will dive into what exactly is American made mobile hunting gear, slave labor, business practice within the industry, why it's important to vote with your dollars, etc.
As many as you guys know, we are facing an economic collapse potentially, and it is my duty to share my thoughts and opinion on this matter because I'm literally in it. You all have the power and influence to directly impact our country (The United State of America) in a positive or negative way, we will teach you how to do just that.
What does "Made in USA" mean?
Being assembled or manufactured in the United States of America. It does not mean its assembled or manufactured with American Materials.
How does buying from companies that make their products in USA benifit us?
Some dollars get circulated into our own economy if they manufacture products here in America.
If "Made in USA" with American materials, all dollars get circulated back into our economy coming from labor, materials, taxes, etc.
Am I capable of change?
1000%, you as an individual can have a chain reaction within your own family and community.
This is why we praise voting with your dollars, leadership, and chasing your own potential everyday.
💡 Did you know
Over 90% of USA manufacturing has relocated production to China and other countries in the past 5 years. Thats billions of dollars lost within our own economy and millions of jobs lost for Americans. Click here to read article.
Why Supporting American Made Mobile Hunting Gear Companies Help Us
What is an American Made Mobile Hunting Gear Company?
- Origin of Product Most businesses make it seem they are USA made, but are they really? No, not at all. Although their flagship product might be manufactured here in America, the material of that product comes from other countries. Also, ALL OTHER products that they sell is not produced here in the USA. They may have designed it here, but they outsource to other parts of the world.
- Slave Labor is labor that lacks reward for their work and comes with harsh working conditions. As many as you know, when a company outsources to other countries, they aren't outsourcing to a nice country for pure quality, but rather cheaper expense to get their product in your hands.
- Materials play the biggest role in any product. Majority of companies claim to have USA made goods, but in reality, they aren't. Usually, they use Chinese or other countries materials to cut costs in productions. For instance, companies will say American Made Tree Saddles, but the biggest giveaway is the raptor style buckles. The only raptor style buckle made in America is from ADF. If it doesn't say ADF on the buckle or look like one, its Chinese.

♠ USA Made means the product is produced in America and the materials are sourced from America.
USA Made is NOT, manufactured in America with overseas materials.
Voting with Your Dollars
Now you have an understanding that true American business operates through a streamlined fashion within the USA economy, we can talk about how to support them.
One of the most powerful ways a society can have direct influence over a business is with money. Money makes business flow. Without money, it halts. This is where you directly have the most power. Wherever you spend money, you are supporting that product, idea, or cause. And with the powerful tool like the internet, you can spread the word.
We aren't asking you to stop buying from your favorite company or store, we are just simply informing what you are capable of.
Now there is a downside to supporting small American business. You will sacrifice time and efficiency. Take Amazon or Temu for example. You can get a product that is 10x less costly within 1 business day compared to an American product that is 10x more costly and will take several business days or you have to drive to go get it. But if you are willing to sacrifice for the betterment of your own country, then you have the power to change anything.
Pricing and Inflation
When China and overseas manufacturing facilities increase demand from American companies, it has a negative impact on our own economy. Quite honestly, support who you want to support, but for myself and I would imagine others are fucking sick and tired of the B.S.
Loss of Jobs
When we outsource our production, we lose jobs. Plain and simple. The reason why we outsource production is so we can keep costs low.
Well, when we lower our costs at the expense of other countries, we artificially rise the price of an actual product made in America making it almost impossible to compete with others.
And when a company feels like they can't compete against lower competitor prices, the only option is to do the same exact thing and outsource to China and others. This is a never-ending cycle and then will increase job loss and poverty levels in America BECAUSE THERE IS NO MORE WORK.

Pros and Cons of American Made Goods
- Quality: Generally speaking, you will have a better experience with the quality and feel of the product. Especially with load bearing gear like a tree saddle we make; we use Berry Compliant materials to ensure you are safe.
- Customer Service: Most True American business like us, we will go to the ends of the earth to make sure you are happy and satisfied while being responsive.
- Pride: Knowing you support a small team that is doing things right, will make you feel proud to be huge supporter. Also, the American business that does everything in America, they have extreme pride for their work.
- Benefit of the USA economy: The more we grow or any American business, the more jobs that become available for the communities of America.
- Pricing: 99% of the time, the pricing will be higher than a competitor that uses cheaper material, slave labor, or both.
- Lead Time: Again, in general the lead times will be higher depending on the demand of their product. When you only have so many resources and people producing the work here in America, you can't compete against a cheap factory in China.
- Moral Superiority: Some people believe they are better just because they manufacture their stuff here in the USA and the same goes for consumers. Some consumers may look down on others that don't support American business. Thats not us.
Where is the Hunting Manufacturing Industry Heading?
From the information I just gave you, you can see there is a lot of companies that use the phrase (USA Made) when indeed it is not.
I personally don't know where this is all heading, but I can tell you this. As the owner of BullPath that makes American Made Mobile Hunting Gear, I will do everything in my power to bring the best possible goods while doing shit right.
I do this for the love of my country and the love of hunting. We will continue on this path and build something that is so unfeasible, right before your eyes. So, stick with us, and come along with the journey. I want to thank all of you and thank you for the support.
As always, Uphold Principle.

USA Made means Produced in America with American Materials
Support who you want, but never forget the small American business and mom & pop shops
Supporting any company that keeps their dollars within the USA makes the economy stronger
Balance is key, but when 90% of all USA manufacturing is in China, that's a problem
Right on brother. Couldn’t agree more. Great article!!!
Right on brother. Couldn’t agree more. Great article!!!
Similar problem happened in my country, Chinese products are rampant and damaging domestic market prices. Many medium enterprises are affected especially the textile industry. So I agree with you “love local products” be proud of local products. Keep up the spirit brother.
Similar problem happened in my country, Chinese products are rampant and damaging domestic market prices. Many medium enterprises are affected especially the textile industry. So I agree with you “love local products” be proud of local products. Keep up the spirit brother.