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What is a Hunting Saddle
As saddle hunting becomes more mainstream, there are a ton of unanswered questions surrounding this subject. So, let's dive in and talk about it.
A hunting saddle is a lightweight harness, that attaches you securely to a tree to hunt out of. Typically made out of lightweight textile material such as mesh, Cordura, or other materials paired with a belt and leg straps to hold you securely into the saddle itself.
Some saddles are American Made, some saddles are produced overseas. Some utilize American material, some don't. Some saddles are lighter than others, some are heavier for a specific purpose. Even in conjunction with hunting saddle kits, you have 100% American made kits, or Chinese made. More expensive options, some are extremely budget friendly. There are many nuances to a hunting saddle and different variations, so we will explain everything in this article.
The reason this piece of equipment has gained so much popularity, is because the ability of being able to hunt quickly and efficiently without the cumbersome metal traditional tree stands and other equipment utilize.
Before we explore the world of hunting saddles, let's highlight what makes our own hunting saddles stand out:
- 100% American made, sourced and sewn here at home
- Berry Complaint materials for our hunting saddles
- Rigorous field testing by professionals
- Commitment to durability, ensuring long-lasting products that withstand the toughest hunts
Want to know more? Visit our store.
The Purpose of Hunting Saddles

The purpose of a hunting saddle is twofold.
For one, it provides the ability to be able to hunt mobile. As land access is getting harder and harder to find to hunt from, the majority of us are kind of stuck to public state grounds. Or some people, such as I, enjoy the public land and provides a sense of challenge and adventure. Dealing with public land has its own challenges. For starters you can't leave your tree stands, blinds, or any other equipment out in the public without someone taking your gear. I personally have had my tree stand and other gear stolen from me while leaving it out on public land. So, thieves are a problem. Also, while on public land, you want to be able to get away from other hunters and set your system up quickly and efficiently. This is where hunting saddles really shine.
And two, its generally a safer way to hunt. Not only are you locked into the tree when you are completely set up at your hunting height, but you are also connected to the tree 100% of the time if done correctly. You get a feeling of confidence when you learn how to use this setup and over time trust your gear. Also, it is a nice feeling to know you generally can't fall down the tree and die. You are connected to the tree 100% of the time going up or down the tree. Paired with the fact it is way more comfortable to use a lineman rope to ascend the tree with a hunting saddle compared to a traditional tree stand harness. It gives you a better balance and distributes the weight of your own body throughout the entire hunting saddle, rather than 1 strap running across your back.
Purpose of a hunting saddle
- Gives you the ability to be mobile with a more efficient and lightweight setup
- No leaving gear behind in the woods for thieves to take
- It's safer, you are connected to the tree 100% of the time if done correctly
Different Types of Hunting Saddles

There are 3 main types of hunting saddles. All of them serve a purpose. Also, they all do something better than the other.
Starting first, you have the single panel saddle. A single panel saddle is considered the most lightweight saddle type there is. It compromises one main body panel to either sit or lean. Usually, there is really nothing else to it except for the bridge and lineman loop connectors. This is great for wanting a minimalist set up and having less to worry about when it comes to adjustment straps, connectors, different sorts of webbing straps, etc.
Single Panel
- Most lightweight
- Minimalist, less fidget factor
The double panel compromises two individual panels that are connected together by webbing adjustment straps, magnets, or any other material. Generally considered the most comfortable hunting saddle type, the 2 panels can be adjusted to fit exactly where you want them to be.
Double Panel
- Generally considered more comfortable
- 2 separate panels to adjust independently
Lastly, the pleated saddle. The pleated saddle offers a single panel saddle that transforms into a bigger version of itself. This gives the ability to really sink into the saddle when sitting down. Not only is it comfortable, but it also has less fidget factor than the double panel.
- A hybrid between a single and double panel
- Able to expand surface area for your sitting position
Each hunting saddle has its pros and cons. Each hunting saddle does a better job in one area than the other. Ultimately, picking the saddle that fits you will be completely subjective. Just because I'm comfortable with a certain saddle, doesn't mean you'll be comfortable with it.
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How Hunting Saddles Compare to Tree Stands
Watch this video to understand the difference between a tree stand and a hunting saddle
Hunting saddles and mobile tree stands are purposely built for efficiency and mobility. Both have pros and cons, both have critical roles in the woods, and both could be a tremendous benefit to you if utilized correctly. First, let's go over the pros and cons for both systems.
Pros For Hunting Saddles:
- Lighter weight system compared to tree stands
- Can be completely customized to how you want to hunt
- Safer option to climb trees
Cons For Hunting Saddles:
- More accessories and equipment involved
- Bigger learning curve
- Can be frightening to try out for some
Pros For Tree Stands:
- Not a big learning curve and very straight forward
- Have an actual seat to sit on
- Bigger platform to stand on and move around
Cons For Tree Stands:
- Bulky and heavier than a hunting saddle system
- Traditional tree stand harnesses you use with tree stands are not fun to work with
- Can't shoot 360 degrees around tree like you can with a hunting saddle
If you are looking for a mobile setup that provides the ability to shoot 360 around the tree, want to be very safe, and be able to pack equipment in and out very easily, then a hunting saddle setup is for you.
If you are looking for a tried-and-true hunting method that has been around for a long time, gives you a seat option with the ability to stand comfortably, then mobile tree stands are for you.
Are Hunting Saddles Worth It?

If you are looking to be light-footed in the woods, want to hunt out of virtually and tree, and want to be able to shoot 360 degrees around the tree, then a hunting saddle system is for you.
One of the biggest advantages of saddle hunting, is that everything packs away nicely and doesn't weigh you down that much. Years ago, I had a tree stand that felt like that was just dragging me down. It was heavy, and I personally hated relocating the stand where the deer were. Unfortunately, I left my standout in the woods because I dreaded taking it down and setting it back up each and every time I hunted. Well, thieves stole that stand and left me with no gear to get back into a tree.
When I purchased a hunting saddle and all the accessories that came with it, I was now able to hunt anywhere I wanted without leaving any gear behind in the woods. It was also mind blowing to me how easy it was to haul around, setup, and get to hunting. Thats what you ultimately want, a system you have down that doesn't weigh you down so you can focus on your hunt.
The Benefits of a Hunting Saddle
Here is a brief list of the benefits of a hunting saddle:
- Lightweight and mobile
- Can shoot 360 degrees around tree
- 100% connected to the tree at all times if done correctly
- Can saddle hunt many different ways such as "One Sticking", "Hybrid Hunt", or with as many sticks as you want
- Can get into virtually any tree
- Very comfortable
- Setup and takedown is fast
- Flexibility when taking a shot
- Can move to the backside of a tree quickly to avoid game animals or people seeing you

The list can go on for quite a while. Let's talk about the few key advantages a hunting saddle has over a tree stand.
The ability to shoot 360 degrees around a tree. Since you tie into a tree tether facing the tree at your hunting height, you are essentially a pendulum. You can swing in any direction of your choosing. You are connected to a rope, that does not get in the way when moving around. I'm sure many of you have had a buck come up from behind you or starts to move to your weakside to where you can't make a shot in a tree stand. With a hunting saddle, you can quickly move in any direction or even use the tree in front of you as concealment to setup your anticipated shot. You don't get opportunities like that with a tree stand. Especially if your buck is in front of you and is on your weak side. With a hunting saddle, you simply move behind the tree for concealment then plan your next move.
Connected to the tree at all times. Since your hunting saddle is a 1000x better version of a safety harness, you use your saddle to climb up the tree with a lineman's rope. Thats how you go hands free to set up your climbing sticks, platform etc. You are already connected to the tree when climbing up. And when you set up your platform and ready to lock in with your tree tether, you still are connected into the tree with your lineman's rope. If you were to fall with a properly adjusted lineman rope, the worst that will happen is you face planting a foot down into the tree. I've had that happen a few times, and my lineman rope and hunting saddle caught me every time.
Multiple different ways to saddle hunt. There are multiple ways to skin the cat when it comes to saddle hunting. Generally, there are 3 very popular ways to hunt from a hunting saddle. Using regular trusty dusty climbing sticks, one sticking, or hybrid hunting with a tree stand. I personally like to one stick, it's fun to rappel out of trees.
Saddle hunting is here to stay. It has been around for a very long time but has recently picked up extreme popularity due to the internet. It's another tool that can be added to your bag of tricks, or can be a system you rely upon, like myself. With many different ways to saddle hunt and all the gear that is available, you can truly make your own system that works for you and crush your hunting goals.
Mobility: Hunting saddles are built for mobility and efficiency, especially on public land.
Safety: Hunting saddles are amazing when it comes to safety.
360 Degree Shooting: Hunting saddles offer extreme flexibility in the tree and offers great concealment.
Versatile: A hunting saddle added to your tool bag can aid you when it comes to hunting on public land.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a hunting saddle?
A hunting saddle is a lightweight harness, that attaches you securely to a tree to hunt out of.
Is saddle hunting hard to learn?
It's fairly simple, just ensure you learn the basics and practice on the ground level.
Can I use a hunting saddle with my tree stand?
Yes - It considered the best safety harness, and you'll get the best of both worlds. It's called Hybrid Hunting!
Is a hunting saddle worth it?
Yes, it's worth its weight in gold.